Wednesday 10 July 2019

                                                 THIS IS A TRUE LIFE STORY
                                                 READ AND BE MOTIVATED
My father died when I was 14. That brought our private school education because Mom could no longer afford the fees to an end. We were all whisked off to public schools. What Mom did was try to find the best public school for us. Even at that, the difference was huge.
Anyways, we practically had no funds, no source of income. We lived from hand to mouth. I had to start helping out church members and 'aunties' by doing little jobs here and there to make ends meet. Life was very hard as I had no one to turn to for help, not even my own mother who also needed help and was contemplating suicide at the time.
In all of this, I was determined not to sleep around with men for money. Men chased me a lot even as young as I was, even close family friends. Somehow, I had the power to resist them. I remember being chased around in the office of a church member who told me to come and collect 'money for school'. I didn't know that he had planned to collect something back. I resisted him completely and ended up running out of his office with no dime but my dignity in tact.
I eventually got admission into the University of Ibadan and without any stable source of income, I managed to pull through. God sustained me with the little I got from doing menial jobs, and little dashes from church members. It was barely enough but I learnt how to be content. I removed my eyes from what girls my age had, and deliberately stayed away from associations I knew could lead me into temptations. I told myself that I was not competing with anyone and need not prove myself to anyone but my books.
I earned my degree with no carry overs and was sent to do my NYSC. The breakthrough came for me in final year, 400L, when a church decided to pick up my school bills. It came at the time when I needed it the most because I needed money for my research. It was just God, me out of many.
I landed my first job while serving as a corp member and I have gone from one great job to another, moving upward as I go. Today, I am settled and financially free. My kids have the best of both worlds.
The whole point I am trying to make is that you can make it with no one on your side, except GOD. Stop trying to slay and learn to be content. Lack of contentment brings depression. Stay away from friends and contents on social media that puts negative pressures on you. Life is a journey. Where you are today may not be where you will be tomorrow, but what you do with your TODAY determines your TOMORROW.

Monday 2 November 2015

97-year old woman receives high school diploma 80yrs after she was forced to drop out of school.

97-year old Margaret Thome Bekema fulfilled a lifelong goal when she received her high school diploma 80 years after she was forced to drop out in order to help her family. School administrators from Catholic Central High School in Grand Rapids presented her with the diploma at the Yorkshire and Stonebridge Manor senior community in Walker.
Bekema would have graduated with the Class of 1936, but she left during her junior year to care for her three younger siblings because her mother was ill with cancer. She said leaving school at age 17 broke her heart and she's thankful for the recognition.
Anything worth achieving will always have obstacles in the way and you've got to have that drive and determination to overcome those obstacles on route to whatever it is that you want to accomplish.
What does it take to be a champion? Desire, dedication, determination, concentration and the will to win.